Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final Box Office Numbers

As reported, Star Trek took second place after Angels & Demons. Turns out the race was even close then expected as the final numbers come in. A&D took in $46.2M vs. $43M for Star Trek. Also Star Trek was barely number one both Saturday and Sunday so really the only reason it took the top spot was the midnight showings. Once you include overseas, Trek is now sitting at $215.4M globally.

In addition Star Trek broke the 2nd weekend record, beating The Dark Knight with a $5.3M to $4.7M take. Since the movie had only a two week run (Friday IMAX theatres switch to Night at the Museum 2) there was a greater sense of urgency the Dark Knight probably helping increase sales. Anyway, all in all, the future is bright for the franchise.


  1. should become biggest grossing Star Trek movie at this rate

  2. Well I still haven't see it because here in Mexico all the cinemas were closed for almost two weeks due to the Swine Flu, and many movies changed their release dates; originally it was set to April (i think 29) then it changed to May 9, and finally June 5. So there's still some more income waiting for the movie.

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