An untold story from the Enterprise B comes to comic book store shelves this Wednesday with Star Trek Captain's Log: Harriman. The first and only canon appearance of
Captain John Harriman was on the bridge of the Enterprise-B shortly before its first mission led to the death of Captain Kirk in Star Trek: Generations.
TrekMovie.com has a preview of the covers and first five pages of the issue.
Written by Marc Guggenheim, art by Andrew Currie, cover by David Messina
Captain John Harriman is the commander of the USS Enterprise B. He is also the man many hold responsible for the mysterious disappearance and presumed death of James Tiberius Kirk, the renowned Starfleet captain by whom all others are judged. How does a man recover from killing a legend? Find out in this very special issue! Guest starring Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy.
The Captain's Log series first started in the paperback novels and now is an occasional series of books that focus on the Captains of the Star Trek universe (as technically not limited to just the Federation). The first issue told a story about Captain Sulu of the Excelsior (seen in Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country). The next focuses on part time nemesis to Captain Picard and brief captain of the Enterprise D,
Captain Edward Jellico.
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