Thursday, January 23, 2025

Star Trek: Section 31 Reviews Indicate Average TV Episode

If you forgot that Star Trek: Section 31 movie starting Michelle Yeoh was coming out on Friday morning, would understand why considering Paramount's promotional effort was a trailer last month, a clip, and a Colbert appearance. Based on the reviews, it seems the lack of effort is more due to lack of confidence in the film than lack of marketing budget due to upcoming merger of Paramount with Skydance. 

In summary, the reviews indicate the "movie" is really just longer average episode of a Star Trek series with the script being the core problem and the cast doing the best they can with what they are given. It seems the lack of budget along with compressing a planned season into a single movie had a lot to do with the problems.

"...the vibe of Section 31: it’s a little less James Bond, and a little more Guardians of the Galaxy, if the latter series forgot to maintain any sense of the sincerity underpinning its oddball humor. ...But as a Star Trek movie titled Section 31, it trades any inquisitiveness about its world and the organization it’s named for to instead enshroud itself in a slick, but ultimately hollow sci-fi aesthetic. Not once does the film engage with the controversial legacy of Section 31 in Star Trek history, nor does it ever really show its heroes treading a kind of moral line that would make them anything other than unabashed heroes..." - Gizmodo

"The screenplay by Craig Sweeny struggles mightily to mine humor from the quirky characters with little success, and such plot elements ...are similarly underwhelming. ...[Michelle Yeoh] has such a commanding and darkly amusing screen presence that the pedestrian film can almost, but not quite, be forgiven for letting her down so completely." - The Hollywood Reporter

"While most of Section 31 is fairly dull, there are a few elements here that really shine, showing off the potential that the project might have had as a TV series or simply with a better script. Yeoh and Hardwick have phenomenal chemistry together and anytime they share the screen, it's worth looking up from your phone to watch them bounce off each other. Much like the cast, it's clear that Osunsanmi does what he can to elevate an underwhelming story script with an assist from DP Glen Keenan and editor Bartholomew Burcham. There are a handful of very fun visual gags, including some hilarious zooms that will have the viewer laughing with the movie rather than at it, and the fight sequences are fun to watch, with a few gasp-worthy moments found among the film's struggling narrative." - Collider

"...the problem is that Section 31 does feel dated still, despite forging new ground for Star Trek in a thematic sense. ...That impressive opening scene aside, Section 31 feels like a callback to TV fare of yesteryear before prestige filmmaking became more commonplace on the small screen. That's also true of the action sequences, which are nowhere near as visceral as they could be." - TotalFilm

I am of the opinion that the film is the result of contractual obligations and make use of money already spent rather than a real desire to create a new way to do Star Trek. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if this is the first and last direct to streaming movie from the franchise. I am fine with an average episode of Star Trek but was hoping for more.

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