Thursday, December 6, 2012

Star Trek: Vengeance As Alternate Title?

TrekMovie is reporting that Paramount tested the title "Star Trek: Vengeance" as one of several alternate titles for Star Trek Into Darkness. The info comes from the Russian version of the just released Star Trek poster that when translated means "Vengeance". Oddly it seems the title will stick in the Russian market but no where else.

A shame considering it is a better title despite the dreaded colon that the Abrams and company were desperate to move away from in their quest to copy The Dark Knight movies. Considering the plot synopsis, the title doesn't seem like a reach. It also indicates the power of JJ Abrams as I am willing to bet the Paramount marketing department would much prefer to create the marketing campaign for the more powerful sounding "Star Trek: Vengeance" then the more 'huh?' title of "Star Trek Into Darkness". I guess Paramount could change their minds but unlikely with the official trailer coming next week.

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